=>Concept => Humanitarian ...

This page is dedicated for our different humanitarian partners who provide or distribute humanitarian supplies

In the past we had the great pleasure to work with:

Message Partner - GRSP (Global Road Safety Partnership):

GRSP is a global partnership between business, civil society and government dedicated to the sustainable reduction of road accidents in developing countries and transition countries. It develops actions in several focus countries around the globe. 


Association de Soutien à Globetrucker (Globetrucker Support Association):
The people of Bougy-Villars (VD, Switzerland) have constituted a committee that co-ordinates the sourcing of humanitarian supplies. They contact and define the receiving centres (schools, hospitals or children homes) along the itinerary and pack the goods according to the demands. They prepare packing lists and will organise the reload containers.

An association has been created in accordance with Swiss laws (art. 50 and following of CCS)
Contact: contact @ globetrucker .org

Statutes (soon available in PDF format - french)

GiocaSolida - Locarno /Switzerland -The purpose of Giocasolida is to give value to eyery toy that is going to be thrown away. The toys are collected in different schools of Ticino (Switzerland); many people offer old toys so that they can be repaired, if necessary, and given to children who really need them. This action can provide many children with a smile! GIOCASOLIDA is a temporary job program for fifteen people that are unemployed. It has been created by the city of Locarno on the 2. of December 1996

L'Ospedale del Giocattolo - Lugano
Solidarité Jouets - Lausanne
Ludeco - Genève

And also...
Thank you to Radio Suisse Romande La première and to everyone who responded to the radio sending "Chacun Pour Tous" and  Jean-Marc Richard et d'Anouk Wehrli's call.

Thank you to Migros, Caran-d'Ache and a special mention to CADEV

kids in Mongolia

Ateliers sans Frontières Revalorisation de matériel sportif, médical et scolaire à vocation humanitaire au travers de programmes de réinsertion.  www.ateliersansfrontieres.org Ile de France (France)
Bioport Services logistiques pour les associations de solidarité. www.bioport.asso.fr Lyon (France)
CAP humanitaire Accompagnement individualisé de projets, appui logistique, éducation au développement. www.caphumanitaire.org Lille (France)
Humanis Alsace Réseau humanitaire et d'insertion, accompagnement de projets. www.humanis.org Strasbourg (France)
Humatem Banque de matériel médical pour l'aide humanitaire sur internet. www.humatem.org Internet (Haute-Savoie, France)
Logistique humanitaire Assurer la logistique des associations humanitaires.   Région parisienne (France)
Mission Air Aide au transport de matériel humanitaire, organisation de voyage pour initier les jeunes à l'humanitaire. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/mission-air Gironde (France)

The receiving centers

Here below are listed the receiving centers who will benefit from the round 66m3 of school material and toys delivered on the preliminary tour in Eastern Europe


Soutenu en Suisse par


Prietenii tai (Tes Amis)

Bucharest, Roumanie

Personnes privés, Morat

2002, écoles, orphelinats, centre social (env. 400 enfants)

AGAPE 3, Bacau, Roumanie

AGAPE, Lausanne

2002, S’occupe de 8 centres sociaux et orphelinats dans la région de Bachau (env. 2000 enfants)


Terre des Hommes, Lausanne

2002, Centres pour enfants des rues, centres pour enfants atteints du SIDA (env. 900 enfants)

Hospice Général de Minsk, Biélorussie

Fondation Théodora, Lonay

2002, Hôpital pédiatrique, (env. 250 enfants)

Crèches et centres sociaux de Gdansk, Pologne

Personne privée, Tessin

2002, 8 crèches orphelinats et centres sociaux (env. 700 enfants)

École primaire de Zuunkhaara, Selenge, Mongolie Ambassade de Mongolie en Suisse 2003, École de 120 élèves équipée complètement (mobilier, tableaux noirs, ordinateurs, cuisine, cahiers, etc...) 
Ecole primaire de Bulgan Sum, Arkhangai, Mongolie Chambre de Commerce de Mongolie 2003, Ordinateurs
Lotus House, Oulan-Bator, Mongolie   2003, Orphelinat (jouets)
various various

from 2004 to 2009 around 100 schools in Mongolia (and a few orphanages in Vladivostock, Russia) have been delivered to the benefit of around around 13'000 children. Some schools have only received a few computers, when others where completey equipped from A to Z.

A complete list is available.